How to enjoy being alone with Francesca Specter


We've all undoubtedly spent more time with ourselves in the last 18 months then we ever have before. This week Michael speaks with Francesca Specter, the alonement specialist. She coined the term to encourage alone time to be as buzzy as self care, and asks people to consider how they dedicate their time alone - what is the experience, what is the length of time, how frequent.

This episode welcomes the idea that spending time alone can be a great thing, and how it’s not necessarily the same thing as being lonely. She shares solitude skills to support you on your journey towards alonement, as well as ideas and suggestions of where to even start, especially if you're in a relationship.


“From a really young age we are told that being alone isn’t a good thing. Kids learn to socialise in groups and learn to do that healthily, but actually no capacity for being healthily alone with your thoughts is is taught in school or is prioritised.”

Francesca Specter


About Francesca

Francesca is an author, podcaster, and journalist, and you can find out more about her here. Her first book “Alonement: How to be alone and absolutely own it” was published in March of this year, and she’s also a freelance journalist for multiple publications. She hosts Alonement, which is a podcast about the positive side of spending time alone. This word Alonement is Francesca Specter's empowering new word to express valuing your own company and dedicating quality time to yourself, whoever you are and whatever your relationship status.


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